Monday, 24 May 2010

After a lovely relaxing weekend it's all go again!

Well what a lot of fun was Friday night!  After three days of cooking and making the garden look beautiful we were really excited for the film crew to come and shoot at our 4th supper club.  A huge thank you to everyone that came along and participated in our evening, I have to say we couldn't have had a more perfect group of people, all looking like movie stars!  The setting was perfect, Wayne and the boys spent the whole day hanging tea lights and jam jars from every branch they could find and the canopy of our oak tree when lit up looked stunning!  Thank you guys for all your help, as everyone knows I only take credit for the cooking, the scene setting is never really anything to do with me and I have to say Wayne always makes it look magical.  By the way if anyone would like to rent the space at the bottom of the garden for parties it's available!

Today I am starting to think of the cafe I am running for two days this weekend coming.  It's going to be another busy weekend but am really looking forward to it.  The very dynamic Alison Rentoul is running the The Career & Lifestyle Exhibition  Everyone who is anyone is going to be there.  I am going to do my usual quiches, salads and cupcakes but also we will be doing hot wraps and bacon and sausage sandwiches.  We are celebrating the 1st birthday of FR2DAY two with a few glasses of wine and a canape or too early evening Saturday, all welcome between 6pm and 8pm.

Hope to see you all there.  Bye for now

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